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297次浏览     发布时间:2023-10-24 09:00:51    

郭书瑶(1990年7月18日-),昵称瑶瑶,出生于中国台湾,华语女歌手、演员、主持人。 郭书瑶凭借《志气》获得金马奖最佳新演员奖,还出演了《通灵少女》《狼殿下》等影视作品,其表演富于层次,爆发力很强,因其姣好的身材与独特的嗓音,被称为“台版星野亚希”“奶油系音乐甜心”。2020年11月19日,参演的电视剧《狼殿下》定档在腾讯视频、爱奇艺和优酷播出,在剧中饰演宝娜。

Yao guo book

Guo Shuyao (born July 18, 1990), nicknamed Yaoyao, is a Chinese singer, actress and host. Guo Shuyao won the Golden Horse Award for best new actor with “ambition”, but also starred in “psychic girl” “Wolf Highness” and other film and television works, its performance rich levels, strong explosive power, because of its good body and unique voice, known as “Taiwan version of Hoshino Yashi” “cream music sweetheart”. November 19, 2020, the play of the TV series “Wolf Highness” scheduled in Tencent TV, iQIYI and Youku broadcast, in the play as Bao Na.


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